USGS: Oil & Gas Fields of Asia Pacific
USGS Maps Showing Geology, Oil & Gas Fields of Asia Pacific.iso
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Text File
479 lines
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
/* U.S. Geological Survey
/* Energy Resource Team
/* P.O. Box 25046
/* MS 939
/* Denver Federal Center
/* Denver CO, 80225-0046, U.S.A.
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
/* World Energy Project
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
/* Program: fareast.aml
/* Purpose: create map composition of
/* OF THE FAR EAST (Plate 1 of Open File Report 97-470F)
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
/* Requires: fnt034 - Fontset used by shadeset (must be in this AML's directory)
/* fnt029 - Fontset used by shadeset (must be in this AML's directory)
/* glg.lut - Lookup table assigning geologic age color
/* lith.lut - Lookup table assigning rock type fill pattern
/* eindex.gra - Graphic file of index map
/* legend.gra - Graphic file of geologic legend
/* reg3prvs.txt - Text file of province list
/* othprv.txt - Text file of province list
/* dsclaim.txt - Text file of U.S.G.S. disclaimer
/* geo1.mrk - Markerset of geologic age symbols
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
/* Coverages: geo_3fe Geologic age (polygon)
/* prv_3fe Geologic provinces (polygon)
/* fld_3fe Oil and gas field centerpoints (point)
/* cit_3fe Selected cities (points)
/* grd_3fe Latitude/Longitude graticule (arc)
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
/* Calls: mapbar.aml Draws U.S.G.S. standard scale bar
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
/* Notes: Creates map composition to be viewed on screen or plot files
/* in either hpgl or postscript format.
/* Operates in arcplot
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
/* Directory structure:
/* This AML, fnt034, fnt029,reg3prvs.txt, othprv.txt and eindex.gra
/* need to be in one directory together.
/* The coverages need to be in a directory "covers/fareast".
/* The shadesets, markerset, lookup tables, dsclaim.txt and
/* legend.gra need to be in a directory "legend".
/* The output files need to be written to a directory "plots".
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
/* History: Jin Qiang - 09/27/1997 Original Coding
/* Douglas W. Steinshouer - 02/04/1999 Modifications
/* ===========================================================================
/* --------------- Toggle on/off to delete previous plot files
/* &sys rm ../plots/fareast.gra
/* &sys rm ../plots/fareast.hpg
/* &sys rm ../plots/fareast.ps
/* ---------------- Initialize Arcplot
/* ---------------- Set display environment
/* 9999 - on screen display (used with east.map)
/* 1040 - graphic output fareast.gra
/* 1040 2 - graphic output fareast.ps (postscript)
/* ---------------- Toggle on for on screen display
display 9999
/* ---------------- Toggle on for graphic output (fareast.gra - fareast.hpg)
/* display 1040
/* ../plots/fareast.gra
/* ---------------- Toggle on for postscript output
/* display 1040 2
/* ../plots/fareast.ps
/* ---------------- Initialize map composition (used with display 9999)
&if [exists east.map -directory] &then killmap east.map
map east.map
/* ---------------- Define page size, map extent and map scale
pagesize 43 35
mape ../covers/fareast/geo_3fe
mapposition cen cen
maplimits 1.75 11 36 33.5
mapunits meters
mapscale 7500000
/* ---------------- Write Reference Citations
textdelete all
textset font.txt
textsymbol 1
textquality kern
textsize 11 pt
move 4.6 6.25
move 3.33 6.05
text '1. Ghose, A., Chatterjee, D. and Banerjee, J., 1990,'
move 3.5 5.85
text 'The Geological Map of South and East Asia, Third Edition, (Scale 1:5,000,000), '
move 3.5 5.65
text 'U.N.E.S.C.O. / Commission for the Geological Map of the World,'
move 3.5 5.45
text 'Subcommission for South and East Asia, Paris, France.'
move 3.5 5.25
text 'Sheets 1,2,3 and 4.'
move 3.33 5.0
text '2. Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc. (ESRI), 1992,'
move 3.5 4.8
text 'Arcworld Digital Map of the World (Scales 1:3,000,000 and 1:25,000,000),'
move 3.5 4.6
text 'ESRI., Redlands, CA.'
move 3.33 4.35
text '3. Petroconsultants International Data Corp., 1996,'
move 3.5 4.15
text 'Petroleum Exploration and Production Database,'
move 3.5 3.95
text 'Petroconsultants International Data Corp., Geneva, Switzerland.'
move 3.33 3.7
text '4. Klett, T.J., Ahlbrandt, T.S., Schmoker, J.W. and Dolton, G.L., 1997,'
move 3.5 3.5
text 'Ranking of the World`s Oil and Gas Provinces by Known Petroleum Volumes,'
move 3.5 3.3
text 'U.S. Geological Survey Open File Report 97-463, Denver, CO.'
move 3.5 3.1
text 'one CD-ROM.'
/* ---------------- Write province list and U.S.G.S. disclaimer
textsymbol 14
textsize 11 pt
textstyle typeset
move 37.35 32.8
textfile reg3prv.txt
move 37.35 17.2
textfile othprv.txt
textsize 12 pt
move 24 8.6
textfile ../legend/dsclaim.txt
/* ---------------- Write description of map
textquality kern
textsize 11 pt
move 0 0
move 31.75 14.25
move 29.25 14
text 'This digitally compiled map is part of a worldwide series of maps on CD-ROM released by the U.S. Geological Survey`s'
move 29.25 13.8
text 'World Energy Project. The goal of the project is to assess the undiscovered, technically recoverable oil and gas'
move 29.25 13.6
text 'resources of the world. For data management purposes, the world was divided into eight energy regions based on'
move 29.25 13.4
text 'political boundaries and corresponding approximately to the economic regions of the world as defined by the U.S.'
move 29.25 13.2
text 'Department of State. This map covers the northern portion of the Asia Pacific Region (Region 3) and includes The People`s'
move 29.25 13
text 'Republic of China, Japan, North and South Korea, and Mongolia, and parts of Cambodia, Laos, Thailand and Vietnam. Two '
move 29.25 12.8
text 'additional maps of the Asia Pacific Region cover Southeast Asia (Plate 2) and Australia and New Zealand (Plate 3) both to the south.'
move 29.25 12.55
text 'The region is divided into geologic provinces. Each province has a set of geologic characteristics that distinguish it '
move 29.25 12.35
text 'from surrounding provinces. These characteristics may include the predominant lithologies, the age of the strata, and the '
move 29.25 12.15
text 'structural style. Some provinces include multiple genetically-related basins.Klett and others (1997) list all the provinces '
move 29.25 11.95
text 'identified by the World Energy Project and rank them by known petroleum volume. Offshore province boundaries are defined'
move 29.25 11.75
text 'by the 2000 meter bathymetric contour. Each province is assigned a unique number. Because geological trends are independent'
move 29.25 11.55
text 'of political boundaries, some provinces overlap two regions and two or more countries. Those provinces that lie entirely within'
move 29.25 11.35
text 'the Asia Pacific Region begin with the number 3. Those provinces that lie partly within another region may start with a 1,'
move 29.25 11.15
text 'for the Former Soviet Union, or an 8 for South Asia. For the sake of clarity province names are not included on this plate.'
move 29.25 10.9
text 'Details of the data sources and map compilation are given in the metadata file on CD-ROM and at the lower left of'
move 29.25 10.7
text 'this map. The geologic outcrops on this map are based primarily on the Geologic Map of South and East Asia by Ghose'
move 29.25 10.5
text 'and others (1990), used with permission. Some stratigraphic units are combined to simplify the map and to ensure consistency'
move 29.25 10.3
text 'across the region. All rocks are colored by age. Sedimentary and metamorphic rocks are not differentiated, whereas igneous'
move 29.25 10.1
text 'rocks and their types are indicated by patterns superimposed on the appropriate age color. The centerpoint locations of oil'
move 29.25 9.9
text 'and gas fields are plotted based on the locations in the Petroconsultants database (1996) and are used with permission.'
move 29.25 9.7
text 'This map is compiled using Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc. (ESRI) ARC/INFO software. Political boundaries and'
move 29.25 9.5
text 'cartographic representations on this map are taken, with permission, from ESRI (1992), they have no political significance and'
move 29.25 9.3
text 'are displayed as general reference only. Portions of this database covering the coastlines and country boundaries contain'
move 29.25 9.1
text 'intellectual property of Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc. (ESRI).'
move 29.25 8.9
text 'Copyright (c) 1992 and 1996, Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc. All rights reserved.'
/* ---------------- Write map projection information
textsymbol 1
textsize 11 pt
move 2.14 7.15
text 'Projection: Lambert Conformal Conical with Two Standard Parallels at 40 degrees North and 10 degrees South Latitude'
move 2.14 7.0
text 'Central Meridian: 110 degrees East Longitude'
/* ---------------- Write ancillary text
textsymbol 1
textsize 9 pt
move 37.295 4.5
text 'Projection: Robinson'
move 24.8 10.75
/* ---------------- Draw and label geologic age, draw rock type and contacts
lineset plotter.lin
linesize 0.005
linesymbol 1
shadeset ../legend/usgsgeo.shd
polygonshades ../covers/fareast/geo_3fe gen_glg ../legend/glg.lut
shadeset ../legend/lith.shd
reselect ../covers/fareast/geo_3fe poly TYPE IN {'e','i','v','w'}
polygonshades ../covers/fareast/geo_3fe TYPE ../legend/lith.lut
clearselect ../covers/fareast/geo_3fe poly
arcs ../covers/fareast/geo_3fe
aselect ../covers/fareast/geo_3fe poly
reselect ../covers/fareast/geo_3fe poly GEN_GLG in {'oth','H2O','und'}
nselect ../covers/fareast/geo_3fe poly
reselect ../covers/fareast/geo_3fe poly area > 2000000000
markerset ../legend/geo1.mrk
markerscale 0.1
markersize 0.075
labelmarkers ../covers/fareast/geo_3fe GEN_GLG ../legend/marker.lut
/* ---------------- Map title
textdelete all
textset font.txt
textsymbol 16
textsize 24 pt
textjustification LL
move 11.375 6.5
move 18.925 5.65
text 'Plate 1: The Far East'
textsize 15 pt
move 2.16 34.05
MOVE 2.16 33.85
textsize 13 pt
textsymbol 1
move 39.55 34.05
textsize 15 pt
text 'OPEN FILE REPORT 97-470F'
move 41.25 33.84
textsize 13 pt
text 'Plate 1 OF 3'
textsymbol 16
textsize 18 pt
MOVE 16.485 4.2
TEXT 'Douglas W. Steinshouer, Jin Qiang, Peter J. McCabe and Robert T. Ryder'
move 19.75 4.95
text 'Compiled By'
textsize 14 pt
move 20.19 3.65
text '1999'
/* ----------------- Plot geologic legend
plot ../legend/legend1.gra box 1.75 6.5 12.75 14.75
/* ------------------ Draw and label geologic provinces
overpost on
overpost text nodelete
lineset carto.lin
reselect ../covers/fareast/prv_3fe arc PRV_3FE-ID = 2
arclines ../covers/fareast/prv_3fe 202
textsize 0.1
textsymbol 1
textcolor red
reselect ../covers/fareast/prv_3fe poly CODE IN {1168, 1170, 1219, 1230, 1225, 8002 1158}
nselect ../covers/fareast/prv_3fe poly
polygontext ../covers/fareast/prv_3fe CODE
move 8.17 29.58
text '1170'
move 9.65 29.68
text '1219'
move 14.93 30.65
text '1230'
move 7.9 18.22
text '8002'
move 3.03 22.95
text '8002'
move 3.88 22.86
text '3133'
move 11.64 25.23
text '1158'
move 22.82 31.89
text '3202'
move 29.06 29
text '1224'
/* ---------------- Draw and label selected cities
markerset plotter.mrk
markerscale 1
markersize 0.125
POINTMARKERS ../covers/fareast/cit_3fe 69
textset font.txt
textsymbol 2
textcolor 'midnight blue'
textsize 12 pt
pointtext ../covers/fareast/cit_3fe name ul
/* ---------------- Draw oil and gas field centerpoints
markerset oilgas.mrk
markerscale mapscale 2000000
reselect ../covers/fareast/fld_3fe points COMMODITY = 'Oil'
pointmarker ../covers/fareast/fld_3fe 102
clearselect ../covers/fareast/fld_3fe point
reselect ../covers/fareast/fld_3fe points COMMODITY = 'Gas'
pointmarker ../covers/fareast/fld_3fe 202
/* ---------------- Draw map frame and latitude/longitude graticule
linesize 0.02;linecolor black
reselect ../covers/fareast/grd_3fe arcs GRD_3FE-ID = 1
arcs ../covers/fareast/grd_3fe
clearselect ../covers/fareast/grd_3fe arcs
reselect ../covers/fareast/grd_3fe arcs GRD_3FE-ID = 3
linesize 0.0001
linecolor green
arcs ../covers/fareast/grd_3fe
/* ---------------- Label latitude/longitude graticule
textdelete all
textset font.txt
textcolor 1
textsymbol 16
textsize 8 pt
textstyle typeset
move 3.23 33.27; text '72!pat1713'
move 4.88 33.27;text '76!pat1713'
move 6.51 33.27;text '80!pat1713'
move 8.17 33.27;text '84!pat1713'
move 9.84 33.27;text '88!pat1713'
move 11.45 33.27;text '92!pat1713'
move 13.07 33.27;text '96!pat1713'
move 14.68 33.27;text '100!pat1713'
move 16.325 33.27;text '104!pat1713'
move 17.96 33.27;text '108!pat1713'
move 19.57 33.27;text '112!pat1713'
move 21.2 33.27;text '116!pat1713'
move 22.8 33.27;text '120!pat1713'
move 24.44 33.27;text '124!pat1713'
move 26.06 33.27;text '128!pat1713'
move 27.7 33.27;text '132!pat1713'
move 29.34 33.27;text '136!pat1713'
move 31.00 33.27;text '140!pat1713'
move 32.67 33.27;text '144!pat1713'
move 34.33 33.27;text '148!pat1713'
move 35.72 30.55;text '48!pat1713'
move 35.72 28.05;text '44!pat1713'
move 35.72 25.6;text '40!pat1713'
move 35.72 23.3;text '36!pat1713'
move 35.72 21;text '32!pat1713'
move 35.72 18.85;text '28!pat1713'
move 35.72 16.7;text '24!pat1713'
move 28.1 13.55;text '20!pat1713'
move 28.1 11.47;text '16!pat1713'
move 29.65 15.05;text '132!pat1713'
move 31.6 15.05;text '136!pat1713'
move 33.6 15.05;text '140!pat1713'
move 1.9 16.66; text '24!pat1713'
move 3.97 15.05;text '80!pat1713'
move 5.99 15.05;text '84!pat1713'
move 7.95 15.05;text '88!pat1713'
move 9.94 15.05;text '92!pat1713'
move 11.93 15.05;text '96!pat1713'
move 12.8 14.38;text '24!pat1713'
move 12.9 12.28;text '20!pat1713'
move 13.65 11.09;text '100!pat1713'
move 15.70 11.09;text '104!pat1713'
move 17.75 11.09;text '108!pat1713'
move 19.76 11.09;text '112!pat1713'
move 21.81 11.09;text '116!pat1713'
move 23.85 11.09;text '120!pat1713'
move 25.9 11.09;text '124!pat1713'
move 1.9 30.55;text '48!pat1713'
move 1.9 28.02;text '44!pat1713'
move 1.9 25.61;text '40!pat1713'
move 1.9 23.3;text '36!pat1713'
move 1.9 21.03;text '32!pat1713'
move 1.9 18.82;text '28!pat1713'
/* ---------------- Draw annotation (Oceans and seas)
textset carto.txt
annotext ../covers/fareast/geo_3fe
/* ---------------- Draw standard U.S.G.S. map scale bar
textdelete all
textset font.txt
textsymbol 14
&r ../legend/mapbar 17.775 9.25 7500000
/* ---------------- Draw index map
plot eindex.gra box 34.7 4.85 40.95 8.1
/* ========================================================================
/* ---------------- Toggle on/off for screen display or graphic output
/* ========================================================================
/* ---------------- Toggle off for screen display, on for graphic output
/* quit
/* ---------------- Toggle off for screen display and postscript output
/* hpgl2 ../plots/fareast.gra ../plots/fareast.hpg # # OPAQUE
/* ---------------- Toggle off for screen display and postscript output
/* ---------------- Draws gra file
/* draw ../plots/fareast.gra 9999
/* =======================================================================